Cycle 22 Real Audio Clips
Large Size Files have good qualities. Quality of the small size files is not good.
I recommend that you hear the large size files.
F5QT 1989.Feb.25(JST)...57Kb
Large Size. The same file as that of the home page.
F5QT 1989.Feb.25(JST)...29Kb
Small Size.
F9DI 1989.Feb.25(JST)...27Kb
Large Size. The same file as that of the home page.
F9DI 1989.Feb.25(JST)...14Kb
Small Size.
9H1CG 1989.Mar.9(JST)...110Kb
Large Size. The same file as that of the home page.
9H1CG 1989.Mar.9(JST)...58Kb
Small Size. His signal is not so strong. Therefore,I'm afraid you will not be able to hear this file.
8Q7TT 1989.Mar.13...113Kb
Large Size. The same file as that of the home page.
8Q7TT 1989.Mar.13...59Kb
Small Size.
8Q7TT 1989.Mar.13...91Kb
Large Size. QSO between 8Q7TT and JM1XLE (My mother)
8Q7TT 1989.Mar.13...47Kb
Small Size. QSO between 8Q7TT and JM1XLE (My mother)
4S7AVR 1989.Mar.13...113Kb
Large Size. The same file as that of the home page. This includes the QSOs of JA1RJU, JM1SZY, and JM1XLE.
The followings are devided files. You can hear the whole QSOs from the opening of 4S7AVR to its end.
QSO between JE1BMJ and 4S7AVR...46Kb(Large)
QSO between JE1BMJ and 4S7AVR...24Kb(Small)
QSO between JA1RJU and 4S7AVR...57Kb(Large)
QSO between JA1RJU and 4S7AVR...29Kb(Small)
QSO between JM1SZY and 4S7AVR...65Kb(Large)
QSO between JM1SZY and 4S7AVR...34Kb(Small)
QSO between JM1XLE and 4S7AVR...99Kb(Large)
QSO between JM1XLE and 4S7AVR...51Kb(Small)
JM1SZY Akira Kumabe