Private Photo3... 1996.Oct.8.
The Cleveland Orchestra at the Severance Hall
Photo of Severance Hall

Christoph von Dohnanyi, conductor
BERNARD RANDS; Canzoni per orchestra
- 1:String in the earth and air...
- 2:Wellady! Winds of May...
- 3:Silently she's combing...
FRANZ SCHUBERT; Songs (Olaf Baer, baritone)
- 1.Memnon
- 2.Der Wanderer
- 3.Ganymed
- 4.Du bist die Ruh
- 5.Ihr Bild
- 6.Standchen
- 7.An Schwager Kronos
CLAUDE DEBUSSY; La Mer ("The Sea")
- From Dawn 'til Noon on the Sea
- Play of the Waves
- Dialogue of Wind and Sea
W8/JM1SZY Akira Kumabe