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F5QT's signal aside,the following audio signals are very weak. So please listen carefully.
All files can play almost no waiting time. (Streaming Real Audio files)
However, if you feel some difficulties to play the following files.
Please click HERE. There are smaller files.
F5QT 1989.Feb.25 (JST)
F5QT 1989.Feb.25 (JST)(Normal RA file)
Quite strong signal! This was the 1st opening between F and JA.
My mother(JM1XLE) and I could make contact with seven F stations on that
F9DI 1989.Feb.25 (JST)
F9DI 1989.Feb.25 (JST)(Normal RA file)
His signal was not so strong.
9H1CG 1989.Mar.9 (JST)
9H1CG 1989.Mar.9 (JST)(Normal RA file)
I made contanct with many 9H stations. His signal is usually very strong.
However,his signal was so weak in JA1 on this day..
Therefore,on this day, I suppose that ,only I(JM1SZY) and JA1VOK made contact with 9H1CG from JA1 area.
Can you hear I was given 579 report from 9H1CG ?
8Q7TT 1989.Mar.13 (JST)
8Q7TT 1989.Mar.13 (JST)(Normal RA file)
Very weak! At this time, only four JA1 stations succeeded in making contact
with 8Q7TT.
I found his CQ and accomplished QSO (I was given 559 report from 8Q7TT.Can
you hear it ?).
Thereafter, JA1RJU,JM1XLE, and JE1BMJ made contact with him.
4S7AVR 1989.Mar.27 (JST)
4S7AVR 1989.Mar.27 (JST)(Normal RA file)
At the beginning of the opening, JE1BMJ succeeded in making QSO with 4S7AVR.
Thereafter, JA1BK, JA1RJU, JM1SZY, and JM1XLE worked with 4S7AVR.(Only 5 stations from JA1)
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